Small but brave Dachshund (badger dog) is a hunting dog developed in Germany in the 15th century. Nowadays, this lovely sausage dog is a friendly and cheerful family companion. One of the crucial questions for many people thinking about the adopting this particular breed is – Do Dachshunds shed and are they hypoallergic?
You can find these dogs in three coat varieties, including smooth-haired, wire-haired, and long-haired. Basically, all of them are average shedders, but some require more intensive grooming. Let’s see.
Do Dachshunds Shed?
The short answer to this question is – YES, your Dachshund will moderately shed, but sometimes it can be a lot.
It is a normal process of losing old hair when new ones start growing, and its amount will depend on the dog’s health, the coat type, and various external conditions. Unfortunately, Dachshund is not a hypoallergenic dog, so you should avoid this breed if you suffer from pet allergies.
How Much Do Dachshunds Shed?
Only three genes control hair length in dogs. When it comes to Dachshund, smooth-coated ones are most common, while wire-haired and long-haired types have inherited recessive traits.
Since each type has a different hair growth cycle, you should keep it in your mind before adopting your new buddy.
1. Smooth-Haired Dachshund
Most Dachshunds in the US have smooth coats. Don’t be surprised when discovering that your smooth-haired buddy loses its hair throughout the year.
This dog’s coat is not too thick or long, but you can sometimes find a puppy with sleek underside bristles. Even though it sounds weird at first sight, your short-haired buddy can shed more than a longer-haired type when you miss grooming it regularly.
On the other hand, some owners swear that their short-haired buddies don’t shed at all. It is not entirely true, but regular care can help you not notice hairs over your furniture.
2. Wire-Haired Dachshund
Surprisingly, a wire-haired Dachshund will shed less than other types despite extra hair on the face and around the eyes. Typically, this type has a double coat containing tight, rough, short outer hair and a fine, thick undercoat.
You can expect it to shed twice a year moderately. However, you won’t be aware of hair in the house if you groom your furry friend regularly.
3. Long-Haired Dachshund
As you have probably expected, a long-haired Dachshund will shed the most because of its dense, fleece-like undercoat. Its coat is often wavy and a bit longer under the neck, underside the legs, and around ears. It will shed only seasonally since its coat takes time to grow. However, this type requires regular grooming.
What Factors Affect Dachshund Shedding?
Genetics has a primary role in your Dachshunds shedding level, but you can expect that long-haired dog sheds more. However, other factors also affect this trait, such as:
1. Season
As you can expect, higher temperatures will cause an increased shedding level, especially if you expose your dog to direct sunlight.
Your dog will shed more in spring to get rid of extra fur before summer, especially if it spends most of its time outdoors. On the other hand, your pet will shed equally all year round when it lives indoor.
2. Nutrition
Diet plays an essential role in the dog coat quality. An imbalanced diet and low-quality dog food will result in a weak coat and hair falling out. It is crucial to ensure that your short-legged friend gets enough necessary proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals through a healthy diet.
3. Care
The rule of thumb is that your buddy will shed less if you take care of its coat adequately. Therefore, you should groom it regularly and bathe it when necessary. Choose a grooming routine depending on your dog’s coat type, but avoid bathing it too often since such a treatment removes necessary sebum, natural skin oil.
It will be enough to groom your short-haired Dachshund with a soft-bristle brush once a week. A long-haired dog requires daily brushing, while a wire-haired one needs professional stripping three times a year. This specific grooming care includes removing dead hairs at the root.
4. Hormones
Hormone balance will significantly affect the hair growth rate and shedding level. For instance, thyroid hormones determine how long hair growth will last and the ratio between the hair growth phase and its resting phase.
So, Cushing’s disease and hypothyroidism often cause hair loss and bald patches on the dog’s body.
Additionally, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone hormone imbalances will contribute to this problem. You can see excessive shedding after giving birth, neutering, and spaying due to temporary hormonal imbalance.
5. Health
An overall dog’s health will directly affect the coat quality and shedding frequency. Usual reasons include immune diseases, bacterial or fungal skin infections, and mites, lice, or flea infestation. Keep in mind that your dog will shed more when you miss regular cleaning of parasites and worms.
If you notice hair loss followed by other symptoms, such as intense licking and scratching or bald spots, sores, rashes, and bumps occurrence, it is time to visit your vet.
6. Stress
High stress and anxiety are usual factors that affect dogs in contemporary society. Except for excessive shedding, your Dachshund may suffer from more severe conditions, including increased heart rate, abnormal behavior, and loss of appetite.
7. Medications
Sometimes, your Dachshund will shed more after prolonged corticosteroid treatment. Fortunately, hair loss is reversible in this case.
8. Your Own Perception
Your dog will shed the same way whether it sleeps in its bed or on your couch. However, it will be more acceptable to see hairs on the floor or over a dog’s place than in your space or clothes.
In other words, the shedding level can depend on your perception without the real problem. For instance, 60% of Dachshund owners consider their pets a low-shedding breed.
An additional 19% of owners claim that they take care of dogs that never show signs of shedding. Only about 21% of them claim that this breed is in a group of moderate to extreme shedders.
However, all owners agree that regular care is crucial when it comes to shedding. The low-shedding Dachshund owners credit the low hair loss to regular brushing and occasional baths.
Dachshund Grooming Needs
Most owners groom and bathe their Dachshunds on their own except on special occasions. They visit a professional groomer only when their dogs need trimming nails, cleaning ears, or brushing teeth.
As I have already mentioned, you can adopt a standard or miniature Dachshund with three coat types with different grooming needs. Let’s see.
1. Smooth-Haired Dachshunds
This Dachshunds type’s smooth and shiny coat without thick undercoat commonly loses its hair little by little daily instead of shedding at once only twice a year. Therefore, you probably won’t notice that it sheds at all.
Its advantage is low grooming needs. Brush your buddy once a week or two with a bristle brush or rubber hand mitt and bathe it two to three times a year. Believe it or not, it will be enough. This cutie almost doesn’t require professional care.
2. Long-Haired Dachshunds
It is expected that a long-haired Dachshund is a high shedder. Even though this dog has a double coat, it is still not a big shedder compared to other breeds. You can expect your pet to lose hair twice a year, in spring and fall.
You should brush its slightly wavy outercoats daily with a metal comb, pin brush, or slicker brush if you want to prevent a pile of hair on your carpet, sofa, and clothes. It is necessary to take it to a professional groomer to trim its ear hair and remove complex mats forming on the body.
There is no need to bathe your furry friend too often, but take care to dry its coat thoroughly. Only that way is it possible to prevent its long hair from entangling.
3. Wire-Haired Dachshunds
This particular Dachshund has a double wiry and coarse coat with a fluffy undercoat. Some experts consider this dog type the highest shedder out of the three in a period when it loses its coat. It happens twice a year in spring and fall.
Regularly brush your pet’s coat at home, but take it to a groomer to pull out dead hairs from the undercoat with a stripping knife from time to time. This professional will also trim the dog’s eyebrows and beard when necessary.
Unlike a wire-haired Dachshund with fluffier coats, the one with a pin wire coat won’t shed that much, so it doesn’t need stripping. This sub-type only needs regular brushing to get rid of loose fur. If you want to adopt this breed but suffer from a pet allergy, you should choose this puppy since it sheds the least.
You can pick out one of three Dachshund types, depending on your preferences. They are low or moderate shedders, so you can adopt one of them under certain circumstances, even if you suffer from a pet allergy. Some owners are convinced that their pets don’t shed at all, thanks to regular grooming and occasional bathing. Once you remove your buddy’s dead hair, it won’t leave it all around.