The Doberman Rottweiler mix is a hybrid or crossbreed of the Doberman Pinscher and Rottweiler; also known as the Rotterman, Doberott, Rottie Dobe, Doberweiler or the Rottie Dobie. This cross or mix is not a dog for the meek and mild owner; the Rotterman is a large, muscular and powerful dog. Hopefully, with all the best attributes of both parent breeds rolled into one tremendous package.
If owning one of these fantastic crossbreeds has been on your mind recently, and you have a big enough home, and the available time you won’t find a more lovable and loyal dog. Before you decide to go ahead and bring one home read the rest of this article about the Doberman Rottweiler mix to learn as much as you can to confirm if it genuinely is the right dog breed for you and your family.
Everything You Need To Know About The Doberman Rottweiler Mix:
1. The Rotterman
Rottermans are big muscular dogs; if you’re thinking of owning one, you need to be an experienced dog owner who appreciates what’s necessary for bringing up dogs such as these. They are not for owners who lack confidence or are first-time or novice owners.
I don’t want you to misunderstand me; the Rotterman will make a fantastic family dog, loyal and affectionate to all family members, including children. If you have an existing pet, bringing home a Rotterman puppy wouldn’t be a problem; they are very patient and tolerant as long as they have grown up with them. Getting a new puppy into a home with an existing Rotterman might create difficulties.

Crossing two dogs renowned for their guarding ability will not change anything in that department, so yes, Rottermans make excellent guard dogs. They are territorial and super protective of family and home. With early socialization (this should begin as early as six weeks of age) positive and extensive training, Rottermans will become exceptionally loyal and affectionate family-oriented dogs.
Owners must give the Doberman Rottweiler mix plenty of daily exercise; if you or other family members enjoy regular exercise such as walking, hiking, and cycling, then you’ll have a ready-made partner. Going back in history to the creation of the Doberman, the Rottweiler played a big part in being one of the breeds chosen, so of course, the Rottweiler Doberman mix makes perfect sense.
2. Doberman Rottweiler Mix Characteristics
As with all designer breeds, it will depend on which parent breed holds sway with each puppy. As a new owner, you might be wondering what to expect. But generally, what you get with a puppy is something from each parent. So a puppy can be taller and lither than a Rottweiler or one that looks more like a Doberman that’s carrying more muscle and looks a little blockier.

3. Doberman Rottweiler Mix Height And Weight
Whichever breed the puppies favor in looks, they will still be large dogs; they aren’t going to shrink in size; if you’re hoping for a smaller dog somehow, then you’ll be disappointed. Rottweilers can grow up to 135 pounds and the Doberman up to 90 pounds. If a puppy leans more to his Rottweiler heritage, then he’ll be in the heavier weight range. If a puppy leans more towards the Doberman in him, then he’ll be lighter but taller.

So taking a combination of those heights and weights, it’s a fair assumption a puppy will reach between 24 and 26 inches tall and weigh between 70 and 115 pounds. Regarding the lifespan of a Doberman Rottweiler mix, to deduce how long they will live, you have to revert to the parents.
Neither the Rottweiler nor the Doberman has an exceptionally long life expectancy. The Rottweiler is the shortest-lived of the two, between 9 to 10 years. A Doberman’s life span is slightly better, but not by much at 10 to 12 years. Taking those figures into account, you can see that a Rotterman’s life expectancy will be between 9 and 12 years.
4. Doberman Rottweiler Mix Temperament
If you follow the training and socialization requirements to the letter, you’ll end up with a well-adjusted, loving, playful, caring, and the best family dog you could ever wish for; he will still make the best guard dog ever.
5. Doberman Rottweiler Mix Training And Socialization
Dobermans and Rottweilers are intelligent, independent thinkers, and they prefer to do things their way. You can’t train that personality out of a dog; they are who they are. But they can learn that their human is the alpha and not them. So training is crucial in this aspect; you don’t want a dog the size and build of a Rotterman that’s out of control. Training must begin when the puppy is very young, they are easier to control, and their minds are a blank slate. There’s no set time limit for training; just keep at it until the dog learns what you’re teaching.
Positive training methods are the only way to train the Doberman Rottweiler mix. Owners must be firm, confident, and above all, consistent. If the dog is part of a family, each family member must help by never undermining your training. Make games of training and keep each session short and to the point, or the dog will get bored and switch off.

Use plenty of treats and masses of praise. Rottermans love to please their owners, so they’ll be as proud as punch when you lavish all this praise on them. Another part of the training is socialization, and we cannot stress enough just how essential this is side by side with obedience training. Many new puppy owners never attempt to socialize their dogs, and it never ends with a well-adjusted, calm, and friendly dog.
It’s crucial with dogs like the Doberman and Rottweiler, so it follows it’s just as critical to the Rotterman. Both the parent breeds are alpha dogs, strong of mind and body. They were both working dogs, used for protection and guarding; these instincts are still influential in these dogs, and without the correct amount of socialization, they will be front and center, and the dogs will become too dominant. You want a calm Rotterman, not fazed by anything going on around him and capable of dealing with strange sounds, people, vehicles and take them all in his stride; not over-reacting and becoming aggressive.
6. Doberman Rottweiler Mix Coat And Grooming
Both the parent breed have short coats and require little maintenance, so nothing will change with the Rotterman. Regular weekly brushing to remove dead hairs and keep the coat shiny and in top condition. The Rotterman is a minimal shedding dog, but twice each year, when the seasons change, you’ll notice a lot more hair on the floor and your furnishings. During these times, you might want to brush him down two to three times a week.

Having folding ears can cause a problem for some dogs, often picking up infections and inflammation. If you’re Rotterman does pick up an ear infection, you’ll soon know because he’ll constantly shake his head, scratch them, and if you get up close, there’s usually an unpleasant smell. In your usual grooming routine, take time to use a doggy ear cleaner to clean his ears gently; once a week should be often enough.
Coat colors will be very similar to the parent breed, and as the color of a Doberman and Rottweiler are almost identical, there’s not much change. Although Dobermans do have some additional colors in their coats, such as blue, red, and light brown, they might come through some mixes.
7. Doberman Rottweiler Health Issues
There are some health conditions prevalent in the parent breeds that can pass to the Rotterman, such as:
- Bloat (Gastric Dilation Volvulus, GVD) This condition is severe and can lead to the dog’s death. Some estimates suggest up to 60,000 cases every year in the US alone. The condition begins when a dog’s stomach fills with air or food and suddenly twists. Stomach distension happens and clears up without anything untoward happening, but if the stomach suddenly flips or turns, it puts pressure on the dog’s organs and prevents blood flow to those organs; then it becomes life-threatening. Bigger dogs with large chests are more susceptible to this condition.
- Von Willebrand’s Disease is a common bleeding disorder inherited from the dog’s parents. If you decide to purchase a Doberman Rottweiler puppy, ensure the parents have been tested for vWD and have seen the health certificate.
- Cancer.
- Eye Conditions.
- Heart disease.
Final Thoughts Doberman Rottweiler Mix
The Doberman Rottweiler Mix is not a breed for first-time or novice dog owners. If you’re contemplating bringing one into your home, you must be experienced, calm, confident, and a consistent master to this dog. The Rotterman is not a dog you hope will stick to the rules; he’s an independent thinker and very intelligent; if he can bend or break the rules, he will.
Training and socializing are never done with a Rotterman. They also have demanding exercise needs. If all of this is not you, then I’m afraid you should choose another breed.
As we mentioned earlier, a well-trained, socialized, and exercised Doberman Rottweiler mix will make a fantastic family dog. But an out-of-control Rotterman is no joke and can be dangerous.