Most people love to eat watermelons because they make a great refreshing snack served as fruit pieces or blended into an ice-cold drink. But can dogs eat watermelons, that’s the question?
Well, the quick answer is yes! But in this article, we will cover a few precautions that you need to note, to be on the safe side.
We’ll also be talking about dogs with certain illnesses, and if we should give them watermelon at all?
Pros and Cons of Watermelon
Watermelons are part of the Cucurbitaceae family, the same as cucumber, honeydew, and cantaloupe melons. They contain nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
There are sizable amounts of vitamins A, B6, and C. A good amount of lycopene (the riper your watermelon the more lycopene it contains) and amino acids, plus a smallish amount of potassium.
Watermelon is fat-free and low in sodium and is almost 90% water, making it a great hydrating snack when the weather turns hot.
Too much of a good thing and all that. And it’s the case with watermelons.
While they are a healthy snack, you must be careful not to overdo the amounts of lycopene and potassium intake. Too much of this can cause diarrhea, indigestion, and bloating in humans and dogs.
Are Watermelon Rinds Good for Dogs?
Watermelon rind is safe to eat. The problem is if a dog doesn’t chew the rinds thoroughly and swallows large pieces then it can cause intestinal blockages and indigestion. We advise against feeding your dog the rind, it’s impossible to make sure your dog will chew the pieces small enough.
Watermelon Seeds and Dogs
Don’t feed your dog the seeds from the watermelon. In the same way as the rind, it can cause stomach bloating and intestinal blockages.
They are not toxic, so if your little guy snaffles a few, don’t worry. But don’t feed them to your dog.
Watermelon for Dogs with Health Issues
1. Is Watermelon Good for Dogs with Kidney Disease?
Yes, watermelon is fine to feed your dog that has kidney issues.
When a dog has kidney issues, your vet will most likely advise feeding him treats low in phosphorus, salt, and protein. Watermelon is naturally low in phosphorus and sodium. It’s also very low in fat and contains almost no protein.
Remember, watermelon contains a great deal of water. So it will probably make your dog urinate more frequently. This is not a big deal for most dogs, but if you are a pet parent to an older dog, this could become a little stressful for them.
2. Is Watermelon Good for Diabetic Dogs?
Yes, is the surprising answer. We’re sure most people think of watermelons containing masses of sugar because they are so sweet and the riper they are the sweeter they are. Yes, they contain fruit sugar (fructose) but watermelons are 90% water, as we have mentioned.
It’s all about how watermelon effects blood sugar. While it has a high GI (Glycemic Index) it has a very low GL (Glycemic Load), meaning blood sugar is not changing too much after eating it.
Still, feeding your dog moderate amounts is the best course.
3. Is Watermelon Good for Dogs with Diarrhea?
We wouldn’t advise feeding dogs with watermelon if they already have diarrhea. This fruit as we have already mentioned has a high fiber count and is mostly water. In some dogs feeding them watermelon can induce diarrhea and irregular bowel movements. It can also increase urination.
As with all illnesses with dogs, we recommend talking to your vet. Getting a professional opinion is crucial to getting your dog on the fastest road to recovery.
4. How does Watermelon Help a Dog with High Blood Pressure?
Secondary hypertension (high blood pressure) brought on by other illnesses, such as Cushing’s Disease and Endocrine disease. If your dog is suffering from high blood pressure, then a diet rich in lycopene can help.
And this is where watermelon can help because the fruit has a high content of this nutrient.
Two Ways to Feed Your Dog Watermelon Treats
1. Frozen Watermelon Chunks
Chop up some fresh watermelon into chunks. Separate and place in the freezer. Once frozen you can give to your dog as a daily treat or store for two months. They won’t damage your dog’s teeth when he bites into them, the same way ice cubes can.
2. Watermelon Jerky
You’ll need a dehydrator for this treat. This time cut up the fresh watermelon into strips. In either treat, make sure there are no seeds in the fruit or rind left on.
Dehydrate until they look and feel leathery. They should last two or three days. And is a great alternative to any of the processed jerky treats you find in a pet store.
Can Puppies Eat Watermelon?
Naturally, a puppy’s digestive system is not as advanced as an adult dog. But there are still fruits and veggies a puppy can safely tuck away.
Watermelon is one such fruit that’s good for your puppy. However, in moderation. Try them on a small teaspoon full first.
Wait one day and check for any signs of an allergic reaction. If everything looks good, then give the same amount or more (not much more), three times a week. Don’t overdo it, though.
If they get looser than usual when they poop, then cut back or stop feeding it to them and see if the poop returns to normal.
In Conclusion
We believe we have made the case that feeding your dog watermelon, in moderation, is a great treat for your dog.
It’s healthy, non-fattening, and an exceptional fruit to help them hydrate and cool down on hot summer days.
Do you feed your dog watermelon, if so leave a comment in the comment section below? Or if you have questions about this article or any of our content, also drop us a comment and we will be happy to answer your queries.